set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "16"& QUOTE set temp1= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "39"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #129:temp0,#148:temp1] set VideoList = [] @ FISH CANNELLONI The pasta: Make a pasta with the ingredients. Allow to sit for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Roll out very thin with a rolling pin. Use a ruler and a knife to cut into 3 x 3-inch squares. Poach immediately, a few at a time, into boiling salted water with 2 tablespoons oil. As you take them out, put them into cold water, allow to soak for a few minutes, then spread and drain on a cloth, wipe. If a machine is not available, roll out lumps of pasta to the same thickness as regularly as possible. The stuffing: Put the cooked and well drained fish, as well as the green leaves from which you have squeezed out all the water, through a fine food mill. Season, add the bŽchamel sauce then the cheese. Use a pastry bag with a large nozzle to lay a line of stuffing onto each sheet, roll and arrange in a gratin dish, cover with the well seasoned tomato sauce and sprinkle with the grated Gruyre cheese. Bake in a hot oven (400F) to gratin. @ Pasta: 3 1/3 cups flour 5 small or 4 large eggs 1 tsp salt 1 tsp salt, cold water 2 additional tbsp oil for the cooking Stuffing for 20 cannelloni: 7 oz white fish flesh: whiting or cod fillets 1/3 lb cooked green leaves: spinach and sorrel or beets salt, pepper, nutmeg 3 tbsp thick bŽchamel sauce 1 oz Gruyre cheese, grated For the baking: 2/3 lb tomato sauce 1 1/3 oz Gruyre cheese, grated @ 120 mn @ 30 mn @ We recommend you drink a Bandol Blanc-de-Blanc with this dish. @ Provence @ Pasta, Rice @ @ Bandol @